The MURO-CCR Rebreather
The MURO-CCR is a rebreather for use in the depth range of 0-100m. Tested and certified under EN14143:2013. Each unit are tested according STANAG AEODP-07 and is fulfilling all requirement for NonMagnetic signature. The unit is tested and verified according to STANAG AMP-15 Low Acoustic signature. The MURO-CCR was built on request from a NATO diving unit within the MCM/EOD environment. The design evolved from the JJ-CCR rebreather with a minimum change from an already succesful construction. The MURO-CCR is built on the philosophy of “Advantage through Simplicity” and is Versatile by Design.
Proven, QualifiedFielded
The MURO-CCR and its role model, the JJ-CCR have more hours in deep/cold waters than any modern defence multi-gas rebreather in the market. With thousands of reference hours in extreme wreck and cave environments on more than 3000 sold units we know that SIMPLICITY is the true path of building reliable and usable CCR´s. This is the main reason why EOD/MCM dive units askes us to build Low signature CCR´s fulfilling complex tasks, still with minimum preparations and maintenance in field.